The following are reading objectives, guiding questions for operating system as it helps students who are persuing their education in computer related fields .
We advice you to first read notes as provided by your lecturer or by our experienced lecturers here at study stream, this will make it easier for you to understand.
Part A
1.What is the name given to the organized collection of software that controls the overall operation of a computer?
A). Working system
B). Operating system
C). Controlling system
D). Peripheral system
2. A computer cannot boot if it does not have the _____?
A). Operating system
B). Loader
C). Assembler
D). Compiler
3. What is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes several programs concurrently by switching back and forth between them?
A). Paging
B). Windowing
C). Partitioning
D). Multitasking
4. Operating system _____?
A). Provides a user-friendly interface
B). Enables the programmer to draw a flowchart
C). Links a program with the subroutines it references
D). All of the above
5. Virtual memory is _____?
A). An extremely large secondary memory
B). An illusion of an extremely large memory
C). An extremely large main memory
D). A type of memory used in Super Computers
6. In what way is an operating system look like a government?
A). It performs most useful functions by itself
B). It creates an environment within which other programs can do useful work
C). It does not often function correctly
D). It is always concerned primarily with the individual's needs
7. The ability of operating system that allows effective development, testing, and introduction of new system function without affecting with other services is called _____?
A). Efficiency
B). Convenience
C). Ability to evolve
D). Ability to function independently
8. Which of the following are services provided by the operating systems?
A). Program creation and execution
B). Providing access to hardware and resources
C). Internal and external error detection
D). All of the above
9. Which of the following is considered a resource that may be allocated by operating system?
A). Bus
C). File system
D). Instruction register
10. A page fault occurs when _____?
A). The page is not in main memory
B). One tries to divide a number by 0
C). The page is in main memory
D). The page is corrupted by application software
11. Embedded computers typically run on a operating system _____?
A). Real-time
B). Network
C). Clustered
D). Windows XP
12. Which of the following is not a resource that may be allocated by operating system?
B). File system
C). Memory
D). Storage device
13. Which of the following is not an operating system?
A). Solaris
B). Windows XP
C). Oracle
D). Linux
14. Which of the following is an example of a systems program?
A). Text Formatter
B). Web Browser
C). Database system
D). Command Interpreter
15. Concurrent processes are processes that _____?
A). Overlap in time
B). Do not overlap in time
C). Are executed by a processor at the same time
D). None of the above
16. A system that supports multiple processes per user is called a _____?
A). Multi-tasking system
B). Multi-user system
C). Multi-programming system
D). None of the above
17. In which type of multiprocessing, a master processor schedules and allocates work to slave processors?
A). Symmetric multiprocessing
B). Asymmetric multiprocessing
C). Distributed multiprocessor systems
D). Client-server system
18. Which part of the operating system is responsible for CPU scheduling?
A). Main memory manager
B). I/O system manager
C). System call
D). None of the above
19. Which of the following is false about disk when compared to main memory?
A). Faster
B). Lower price per bit
C). Longer storage capacity
D). Non-volatile
20. Dijkstra's banking algorithm in an operating system solves the problem of _____?
A). Context switching
B). Deadlock recovery
C). Deadlock avoidance
D). Mutual exclusion
21. The two modes of operation of an operating system are called _____?
A). Process and Kernel
B). Kernel and user
C). Interrupt and system
D). Ready and running
22. For a single processor system _____?
A). Process scheduling is always optimal
B). Input-output always causes CPU slowdown
C). There will never be more than one running process
D). Processes spend long times waiting to execute
23. Process is _____?
A). A program in execution
B). Program in High level language kept on disk
C). Contents of main memory
D). A job in secondary memory
24. The dispatcher _____?
A). Puts tasks in I/O wait
B). Actually schedules the tasks into the processor
C). Is always small and simple
D). Never changes task priorities
25. An overlay is _____?
A). A part of an operating system
B). A single contiguous memory that was used is the olden days for running large programs by swapping
C). A specific memory location
D). Overloading the system with many user files
26. When was the first operating system developed?
A). 1948
B). 1949
C). 1950
D). 1951
27. BIOS is used?
A). By operating system
B). By compiler
C). By interpreter
D). By application software
28. Which program runs first after booting the computer and loading the GUI?
A). Desktop Manager
B). File Manager
C). Windows Explorer
D). Authentication
Part B
1. What is an operating system?
A). Interface Between the Hardware and Application Programs
B). Collection Of Programs That Manages Hardware Resources
C). System Service Provider to the Application Programs
D). All of the Mentioned
2. What is the main function of the command interpreter?
A) To Provide the Interface Between the API And Application Program
B) To Handle the Files in The Operating System
C) To Get and Execute the Next User-Specified Command
D) None of the Mentioned
3. In Operating Systems, which of the following is/are CPU scheduling algorithms?
A) Priority
B) Round Robin
C) Shortest Job First
D) All of the Mentioned
4. To access the services of the operating system, the interface is provided by the ___________
A) Library
B) System Calls
C) Assembly Instructions
5. CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________
A) Multiprogramming Operating Systems
B) Larger Memory Sized Systems
C) Multiprocessor Systems
D) None of The Above
6. Which one of the following errors will be handle by the operating system?
A) Lack of Paper in Printer
B) Connection Failure in the Network
C) Power Failure
D) All of the Mentioned
7. If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a ______
A) New File
B) Another Running Process
C) Log File
D) None of the Mentioned
8. When a process is in a “Blocked” state waiting for some I/O service. When the service is completed, it goes to the __________
A) Terminated State
B) Suspended State
C) Running State
D) Ready State
9. A deadlock avoidance algorithm dynamically examines the __________ to ensure that a circular wait condition can never exist.
A) Operating System
B) Resources
C) System Storage State
D) Resource Allocation State
10. The main memory accommodates ____________
B) User Processes
C) Operating System
D) All of the Mentioned
11. The operating system is responsible for?
A) Bad-Block Recovery
B) Booting from Disk
C) Disk Initialization
D) All of the Mentioned
12. The _________ presents a uniform device-access interface to the I/O subsystem, much as system calls provide a standard interface between the application and the operating system.
A) Device Drivers
B) I/O Systems
C) Devices
D) Buses
13. In real time operating system ____________
A) Process Scheduling Can Be Done Only Once
B) All Processes have the Same Priority
C) Kernel Is Not Required
D) A Task Must Be Serviced By Its Deadline Period
14. Which one of the following is a real time operating system?
A) Windows CE
B) Rtlinux
C) Vxworks
D) All of the Mentioned
15. The priority of a process will ______________ if the scheduler assigns it a static priority.
A) Depends on the Operating System
B) Change
C) Remain Unchanged
D) None Of The Mentioned
16. The operating system keeps a small table containing information about all open files called ____________
A) File Table
B) Directory Table
C) Open-File Table
D) System Table
17. On systems where there are multiple operating system, the decision to load a particular one is done by _____________
A) Process Control Block
B) File Control Block
C) Boot Loader
D) Bootstrap
18. Whenever a process needs I/O to or from a disk it issues a ______________
A) System Call to the Operating System
B) A Special Procedure
C) System Call to the CPU
D) All Of The Mentioned
19. The two steps the operating system takes to use a disk to hold its files are _______ and ________
A) Caching & Logical Formatting
B) Logical Formatting & Swap Space Creation
C) Swap Space Creation & Caching
D) Partitioning & Logical Formatting
20. The _______ program initializes all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllers and the contents of main memory, and then starts the operating system.
A) Bootstrap
B) Main
C) Bootloader
D) Rom
21. Network operating system runs on ___________
A) Every System in the Network
B) Server
C) Both Server and Every System In The Network
D) None Of The Mentioned
22. What are the types of distributed operating systems?
A) Zone Based Operating System
B) Level Based Operating System
C) Network Operating System
D) All of the Mentioned